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METROPLEX SENIOR CITIZENS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Subject: Association Board Meeting Minutes – June 23, 2017 The following teams were not represented: Sachse Rangers, Lewisville Bandits, Lewisville Outlaws, Mesquite Mavericks, Desoto Dukes(A), Farmers Branch Elite(A), Fort Worth Panthers(A), Irving Mets(A). 1, Before the meeting commenced, new softballs were distributed. 2. Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order. 3. Allan Shelton lead...

Subject:   Association Board Meeting Minutes   ---   Tuesday, March 21, 2017 1. Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order. 2. Allan Shelton led the Board in a prayer. 3. Mike McVicker led the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. Dennis Bashore presented the Minutes from the 2/7/17 meeting.    A motion was made to accept the report.   It was seconded and approved. 5. Jim Delmar, Treasurer, reported we had a current checking account balance of $256.04.    A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s report.   It was seconded and approved. 6. The representatives from the B Division were asked if they had an interest in making changes to the...

Teams not in attendance were Desoto Dukes(C), Mesquite Generals, Duncanville Oilers(B) and Desoto Dukes(A). Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order.     Since this is the first meeting for him to preside, he introduced himself and Jim Gibbons who is the new Vice-President. Jim Thomas delivered a prayer and Tom led the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes from the November 30, 2016 were approved. Tom led a lengthy discussion about the concerns that we have with the current website.     For the past 9 months, the Join Tab has not been working.   This means that potential new members have been signing...

METROPLEX SENIOR CITIZENS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Subject:   MSCSA Board Meeting Minutes   ---   Wednesday, November 30, 2016 The following teams were not represented:   Arlington Clippers,   White Settlement Senior Cats, Mesquite Generals, Mesquite Old Pros, Sachse Rangers,   Mesquite Mavericks, Farmers Branch Codgers (B). Jim Thomas opened the meeting with a prayer and Mike McVickers led the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim Delmar presented the Treasurer’s report.   Our current bank balance is $2,400.31.     The Golf Tournament made a profit of $1,782.35.   Major expenses for the year were softballs ($2,600) and Softball Tournament Shirts ($846.60).   The Golf Tournament Revenue and Expense Report is attached.   There was a motion...