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METROPLEX SENIOR CITIZENS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Subject: Association Board Meeting – June 18, 2021 1. Before the meeting started, balls and schedules were distributed. 2. Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order. 3. The Board said the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. There was a motion to approve the Mar 23rd minutes. It was seconded and approved. 5. Jim Delmar, Treasurer, reported that we had a balance of $5,230.58. There was a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. It was seconded and approved. 6. League play break begins Friday, June 25th and play resumes on July 6th. ...

METROPLEX SENIOR CITIZENS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Subject: Association Board Meeting – March 23, 2021 1. Before the meeting started, coaches submitted their rosters, dues and payment for Team Liability insurance. Also, softballs and homeplate mats were distributed. 2. Tom Athens,...

METROPLEX SENIOR CITIZENS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Subject: Association Minutes from the February 23, 2021 meeting. 1. The White Settlement Bearcats was the only team not represented. 2. Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order. 3. The Board recited the Lord’s Prayer. 4. Tom led the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. There was a motion to accept the Minutes from the Nov. 11th meeting. It was seconded and approved. 6. Jim Delmar, Treasurer, reported we had a checking account balance of $2091.58. There was a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. It was seconded and approved. 7. Tom reported that Lewisville and Grand Prairie required...

METROPLEX SENIOR CITIZENS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Subject: Association Board Minutes from 11/10/20 Meeting 1. Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order. 2. Jim Thomas led a prayer. 3. A roll call was taken to confirm all the teams that were represented. 4. Tom lead the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. There was a motion to approve the June 24, 2020 minutes. There was a second and approved. 6. Jim Delmar, Treasurer, reported we had $3,695.04 in the checking account. 7. Tom provided a recap of the 2020 season. a. The season was shortened due to the Covid-19. b. The number of teams was reduced from 27 to 17. c. 6 cases of...

Meeting was held in the Harold Patterson Sports Center Parking Lot Headcount was 40 coaches and players Meeting was informal. Minutes or Treasurer's Report were not read. All individuals wore face masks and meeting was held outdoors. Jim Delmar collected $2,890. in player participation fees. Ending balance now $4,606.60. 19 teams registered: Senior Men 65+ - 6 teams, Senior Men 65+ West - 8 teams, Senior Men 55+ - 5 teams. 11:00 am - 11:30am: COVID-19 Questions & Answers provided by: Monica D. Tipton, Tarrant County Public Health, Public Health Emergency Preparedness. 11:30 am - 11:45am: Discussion of MSCSA Protocols...

METROPLEX SENIOR CITIZENS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Subject: Association Minutes from the February 20, 2019 meeting. 1. Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order. 2. Tom led the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lord’s Prayer. 3. There was a motion to approve the 11/21 minutes. It was seconded and approved. 4. Tom let everyone know that Jim Delmar had fallen and was in rehab. Our current checking account balance is $2,388.05. 5. Due to the unfortunate death of Bill Mego(League Secretary), the Executive Committee is suggesting the following: Dennis Bashore to move from Member-at-Large to Secretary and Rich Kaczmarski...