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2024 MSCSA Golf Tournament Results The 12th Annual MSCSA Golf Tournament was held on Wednesday, October 16th at the Prairie Lakes Golf Club.  This year 66 golfers participated.  This is the third largest number of golfers we have had.  The weather was great and all golfers seemed to enjoy themselves. Results 1st Place Winners:   Cochran, Bates, Yost, & Loving 2nd Place Winners:  M. Sinha, U. Whitecotton, B. Stimson, & B. Perron (Arlington Spurs)   3rd Place Winners:  B. Smith, D. Zomer, G. Ratliff, & D Phillips (Mesquite Generals #2)   Closest To The Pin Under 70 Yrs Old:  Fil Sanchez (Arlington Angels) Closest To The Pin 70 Yrs Old...

CASE PLAY                                                                                                                                 October 2, 2024 I have two questions: 1.  A batted ball is swung on and lands partially on home plate and the strike mat.  Is it fair or foul?  2. In an extra inning game during the...

METROPLEX SENIOR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION-MINUTES Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order at 11:03a.m. All attendees recited the Lord’s Prayer. All attendees said the Pledge of Allegiance. Tom Athens led a roll call for teams that were in attendance;  ­­­­­­All Teams except Richardson Raiders and Grand Prairie Cubs attended. There was a motion and a second to approve the Nov 9, 2023 minutes. The motion passed. Mike McGlothin, Treasurer, gave the Treasurer’s report.  Ending Balance from 11/09/2023 was $6,994.71. Deposits were $2,258.68. and Expenses were $5,242.52.   After expenses, the Ending Balance for 2/22/2024 is $4,010.87. There was a motion and a second to approve the...

METROPLEX SENIOR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION-MINUTES Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order at 11:00a.m. All attendees recited the Lord’s Prayer. All attendees said the Pledge of Allegiance. Tom Athens led a roll call for teams that were in attendance;  ­­­­­­All Teams except Desoto Dukes 60+ , Desoto Dukes 65+, and Dallas Flames attended. There was a motion and a second to approve the August 8, 2023 minutes. The motion passed. New Business A. Nomination and Election for the League office positions of President, Secretary, and Member-At-Large players. Tom Athens, Steve Johnson and Steve Corder were re-elected unanimously, and ran unopposed. B. A financial audit in accordance with our bylaws...

METROPLEX SENIOR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION-MINUTES Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order at 11:00a.m. The Board recited the Lord’s Prayer. The Board said the Pledge of Allegiance. Tom Athens led a roll call for teams that were in attendance;  ­­­­­­All Teams except Southlake Hornets attended. There was a motion and a second to approve the March 28, 2023 minutes. The motion passed. Mike McGlothin, Treasurer, gave the Treasurer’s report.  Receipts were $3,666.45 including $3,016.28 for softballs. Purchase of softballs for tournament and next season takes advantage of current pricing that will increase next year. After expenses, the current balance is $6694.45. There...

METROPLEX SENIOR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION-MINUTES Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order at 11:00a.m. The Board recited the Lord’s Prayer. The Board said the Pledge of Allegiance. Tom Athens led a roll call for teams that were in attendance;  ­­­­­­All teams (28) attended. There was a motion and a second to approve the February 14, 2023 minutes. The motion passed. Mike McGlothin, Treasurer, gave the Treasurer’s report.  Receipts were $2260.50; after expenses, the current balance is $3923.50. There was a motion and a second to approve the report.  The motion passed. Tom Athens provided the following general announcements           A. The...