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METROPLEX SENIOR CITIZENS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Subject: Association Board Meeting-Feb. 10,2022 1. Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order. 2. The Board recited the Lord’s Prayer. 3. The Board said the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. There was a motion and a second to approve the 11/09/2021 Secretary’s report. The motion passed. 5. Jim Delmar, Treasurer, reported that after spending $225.00 for website upgrades and $51.24 to GO DADDY for domain registration, the account balance is $998.10. There was a motion and a second to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion passed. 6. Tom reminded everyone present that team rosters and team fees are due on or before the March 8,...

METROPLEX SENIOR CITIZENS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Subject: Association Board Meeting-Feb. 10,2022 1. Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order. 2. The Board recited the Lord’s Prayer. 3. The Board said the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. There was a motion and a second to approve the 11/09/2021 Secretary’s report. The motion passed. 5. Jim Delmar, Treasurer, reported that after spending $225.00 for website upgrades and $51.24 to GO DADDY for domain registration, the account balance is $998.10. There was a motion and a second to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion passed. 6. Tom reminded everyone present that team rosters and team fees are due on or before the March 8,...

METROPLEX SENIOR CITIZENS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Subject: Association Board Meeting-Feb. 10,2022 1. Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order. 2. The Board recited the Lord’s Prayer. 3. The Board said the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. There was a motion and a second to approve the 11/09/2021 Secretary’s report. The motion passed. 5. Jim Delmar, Treasurer, reported that after spending $225.00 for website upgrades and $51.24 to GO DADDY for domain registration, the account balance is $998.10. There was a motion and a second to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion passed. 6. Tom reminded everyone present that team rosters and team fees are due on or before the March 8,...

METROPLEX SENIOR CITIZENS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Subject: Association Board Meeting – November 9, 2021 1. Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order. 2. The Board recited the Lord’s Prayer. 3. The Board said the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. There was a motion and second to approve the 9/23 Secretary’s report. The motion was passed. 5. Jim Delmar reported that we had a balance of $1,435.84. There was a motion and second to approve the secretary’s report . The motion passed. 6. Rich Kaczmarski, current member-at-Large presented the following folks to fill the positions – Tom Athens(President), Mike McGlothlin(Secretary) and Steve Corder(Member at...

Here are a few pictures from our end of season golf tournament  held on Wednesday, Oct 12th at Prairie Lakes Golf Course.  82 Golfers participated this year. First Place Winners: Sachse Rangers - Gary Gray, Jacky Goleman, Jim Brennen, Art Sanchez Second Place Winners: Grand Prairie Cubs - Carlos Flores, Bob Van Til, Mike Moody, Rick Balla Third Place Winners: Mesquite Generals #1 - Wayne Bauer, Bill Smith, Hector Lopez, Ed O'Meara ...

METROPLEX SENIOR CITIZENS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Subject: Association Board Meeting – September 23, 2021 1. Softball Tournament schedules were distributed before the meeting. 2. Tom Athens called the meeting to order. 3. The Board said the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. There was a motion to approve the June 18th Meeting minutes. It was seconded and approved. 5. Jim Delmar reported we have $4853.02 in our checking account. There was a motion and a second to approve the Treasurer’s report. It was approved. 6. All softball tournaments will commence on 9/27. Senior Men 55+ will be...