16 Feb Senior Softball Association Minutes-Feb.8,2022
METROPLEX SENIOR CITIZENS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Subject: Association Board Meeting-Feb. 10,2022
1. Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order.
2. The Board recited the Lord’s Prayer.
3. The Board said the Pledge of Allegiance.
4. There was a motion and a second to approve the 11/09/2021 Secretary’s report. The
motion passed.
5. Jim Delmar, Treasurer, reported that after spending $225.00 for website upgrades and
$51.24 to GO DADDY for domain registration, the account balance is $998.10. There was a
motion and a second to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion passed.
6. Tom reminded everyone present that team rosters and team fees are due on or before the
March 8, 2022 coaches meeting.
7. Tom stated the updated team roster and individual liability forms are available under the
forms tab on the website. Some forms were made available at the meeting.
8. Tom noted that team liability insurance remained $20.00 per team.
9. Tom reported that the league’s softball order was delayed due to the worldwide shipping
problems and that the new softballs were due March 15th. A reminder was given that
teams are to use (1) new ball and (1) used ball per game.
10. Teams were to let Jim Delmar know of any need for new orange mats. Seven teams
requested new mats.
11. Dennis Bashore told of a new senior softball opportunity in Arlington for anyone interested
in additional recreational softball.
12. Tom reported several general announcements:
a. Note the new “popup” module on the homepage
b. White Settlement Bearcats are now the Ft. Worth Bearcats and will play at Rockwood
c. Anyone with an address or email change should report it to Tom.
d. Perry Baptiste is updating the Events and Travel tab on the website.
e. Notification was given of the passing of three players since the last meeting: Gary
Eargle (Mesquite Texans), Gary Mason (Arlington Spurs) and Sidney “Sid” Steele
(White Settlement Bearcats).
f. Tom re-emphasized that, in accordance with our by-laws, the league will not tolerate
unsportsmanlike conduct from players and coaches.
13. Jim Gibbons, Vice President, spoke of the enforcement of unsportsmanlike conduct. Jim
stated that coaches and players will be held responsible and there would be a no
tolerance policy for players actions.
14. Tom adjourned the meeting.