13 Nov MSCSA Board Meeting – Nov 9, 2021
Subject: Association Board Meeting – November 9, 2021
1. Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order.
2. The Board recited the Lord’s Prayer.
3. The Board said the Pledge of Allegiance.
4. There was a motion and second to approve the 9/23 Secretary’s report. The motion was passed.
5. Jim Delmar reported that we had a balance of $1,435.84. There was a motion and second to approve the secretary’s report . The motion passed.
6. Rich Kaczmarski, current member-at-Large presented the following folks to fill the positions – Tom Athens(President), Mike McGlothlin(Secretary) and Steve Corder(Member at Large). By acclamation, the nominees were approved for their respective positions.
7. Jim Gibbons, Vice President, spoke about his handling of disciplinary complaints and appropriate action. Coaches need to keep their players in line before things get out of hand. When issues do arise, Jim investigates and recommends to the Executive Committee an appropriate action.
8. Tom announced that we have outgrown our current web server. The cost to upgrade to a larger system will cost increase the cost from $360 to $600/yr.
9. Tom recognized the Division winners.
a. 55+ Grand Prairie Cubs
b. East Sachse Rangers
c. White Southlake Hornets
d. Blue Arlington Angels
10. The Tournament Winners were Grand Prairie Cubs(55+), Sachse(Upper),
Grand Prairie Mustangs(Lower).
11. The next Board meeting will be in February. The Knights of Columbus has
been allowing us to use their facility for free. There was agreement to
donate $50/yr to the KOC.
12. During this season, 4 players passed away – Jim Heffel(Codgers), Spencer
Swartz(Codgers), Bob Carlini(Lewisville Bandits) and Guy Mason(Spurs).
13. There was a motion to increase the years league dues from $10 to $15/yr.
The motion was seconded and approved.
14. There was a motion and second to move to a spring/fall schedule. The
motion lost 16 to 7.
15. There was a motion and second to take a two week break in July. It was
approved 16-5.
16. There was a motion that the 55+ Div continue to use the “1-1 plus courtesy
foul” rule. It was seconded and approved. The 55+ managers discussed adding a line somewhere down the first base line. If a batter, with a designated runner, ran past that line, he would be called out. There was no second so the motion was dropped. There was a motion and a second to discontinue the end-of-season tournament. It was approved. There was a motion and second to extend the season by one week. It was approved.
17. At this point the meeting was to discuss changes etc in the West 65+ Div.
a. There was a motion and second to bring back the run through lines at
second and third base. By a vote of 10-7, the motion was approved.
b. There was a motion and second to continue using the 1-1 beginning
Count. By a vote of 13-6, it was approved.
c. There was a motion to continue the minimum age for men to be 65. It
seconded and approved.
d. There was motion to have one West Div. It was seconded and
approved by a 6-5 vote.
e. There was motion and second to continue the end-of-year tournament.
It was approved.
f. There was a motion and second to have a 20ft line down the first base.
If a batter, with a designated runner, goes passed that line, they will be called out. The motion was not approved(8-7).
18 Tom adjourned the meeting.