08 Mar Final Minutes – Nov 30th
Subject: MSCSA Board Meeting Minutes — Wednesday, November 30, 2016
The following teams were not represented: Arlington Clippers, White Settlement Senior Cats, Mesquite Generals, Mesquite Old Pros, Sachse Rangers, Mesquite Mavericks, Farmers Branch Codgers (B).
- Jim Thomas opened the meeting with a prayer and Mike McVickers led the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Jim Delmar presented the Treasurer’s report. Our current bank balance is $2,400.31. The Golf Tournament made a profit of $1,782.35. Major expenses for the year were softballs ($2,600) and Softball Tournament Shirts ($846.60). The Golf Tournament Revenue and Expense Report is attached. There was a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. It was seconded and approved.
- The A Division is reforming in 2017. It will be made up of the Irving Mets, being reconstituted by Ed Jones, and three B Division teams: the Desoto Dukes, Farmers Branch Codgers and Ft Worth Cats. Due to this and other potential changes, we need to know by the February meeting who will be playing in the B and C Divisions next year so we can determine league play.
- There was a motion that the Association charge a fee next year of $10 a player which will raise all the funds needed to fund the Association’s expenses. There was a second and motion was passed by a vote of 17 to 3.
- There was a motion to accept the minutes for the Oct 5th meeting. The motion was seconded and approved.
- There was an informal motion that everyone agree not to discuss the “Infield Fly Rule” for our next season, to leave it as is, and each coach instruct their respective home plate umpires how to recognize and call out Infield Fly. No formal vote was taken, but it was universally agreed to by everyone to leave the current infield fly rule as is for next year.
- Jim said he was planning to introduce our new President and Vice President, if a new one gets elected, to Eddie Ouille via a lunch. Eddie’s company designed and updates our Association website FOR FREE. It is extremely important that we demonstrate our appreciation for this, and that Eddie meets and develops a personal relationship with any new officers. There was a motion that Association funds should cover the cost of the lunch. It was seconded and approved.
- Dennis Bashore volunteered to coordinate the 2017 Golf Tournament. Jim agreed to share all his donor contact information, as well as past players information, with Dennis for his use next year, as he deems appropriate.
- Jim brought up the subject of next year’s schedule and there was discussion and eventually a motion to reduce the July break to 1 week. The motion was seconded but failed by a vote of 11 to 5.
- Jim suggested that we go ahead now and lock in place next year’s schedule as follows:
- League play will start Tuesday, April 4th and end Thursday September 28th.
- The July 4th break will extend from Friday June 23rd through Monday July 10th.
- The A Tournament will commence on Monday, October 2nd.
- The B & C Tournaments will commence on Monday, October 9th.
- The week of Monday, October 16th will be reserved for Tournament play in case of rainouts.
- The Golf Tournament will be scheduled for Wednesday, October 25th.
After quite a bit of discussion, there was a motion to approve the proposed 2017 schedule. It was seconded and passed.
- The Board was asked to vote to fill 3 Executive Committee positions: Treasurer, Vice President and President (1 year because Jim Thomas is stepping down). The Nominating Committee, headed by Mike McVicker, per our Constitution, submitted names for the open positions.
- Treasurer – Jim Delmar. Since the nominating committee could not find anyone else besides Jim Delmar willing to run for the position or Treasurer, there was a motion to elect Jim to be Treasurer. There was a second and since there were no other nominations from the floor for this position, Jim Delmar it was approved.
- Vice President – nominees were Richie Windle (Arlington Spurs) and Jim Gibbons (Fort Worth Cats). No other nominations came from the floor. Richie and Jim told the Board a little about themselves and their desire to serve as Vice President. A secret vote was taken and Jim Gibbons was elected to the Executive Committee.
- President – Tom Athens (White Settlement Greys) was the only person interested in serving the one-year unexpired term of President. There was a motion to elect Tom as our new President. The motion was seconded and since there were no other nominations from the floor for this position, Tom Athens was elected President.
- There was a motion to accept Jim Thomas’ resignation. It was approved.
- Jim Thomas was recognized for the many contributions he has made to The Association.
He received a round of applause from the members of the Board.
- Jim Thomas adjourned the meeting.
64 PLAYERS @ $60.00 EACH $ 3,840.00
TICKET SALES: $ 1,180.00
TOTAL INCOME $5,025.00
65 Golf Fees $ 42.95 $2,791.75
65 Gratuity $ 2.00 $130.00
Golf Balls $316.00
Sub Total $3,237.55
Less Deposit (250.00)
TOTAL $ 2987.75
TOTAL PROFIT $ 1,787.25