04 Mar Board Minutes – February 21, 2019
Subject: Association Minutes from the February 21, 2019 meeting
1. Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order.
2. The meeting started with the saying of the Lord’s Prayer.
3. The Board said the Pledge of Allegiance.
4. There was a motion and second to approve the minutes from the Nov 15th meeting. The motion was approved.
5. Tom reported that the checking account had a balance of $3,297.89. There was a motion and second to approve the Treasurer’s report. The motion was passed.
6. Tom presented significant 2019 MCSCA dates:
a. March 21st – Next coaches meeting.
b. April 2nd-June 27th – First half of season.
c. June28th-July 15th – Break
d. July 16th – Sept 26th – Second half of season
e. Sept 30th – Oct 4th – Division Tournaments
7. Tom asked each representative from the 65+ Div to state how many softballs they needed to start the season. The order will be placed immediately.
8. This season the Lewisville home games will be played at the Vista Ridge Athletic Complex, 2950 Lake Vista Dr., Lewisville.
9. Last year’s A & B Divisions have been combined into one division named the Senior Men 55+.
10. C Divisions have been renamed East Senior Men’s 65+ and West Senior Men’s 65+.
11. Mid-Cities Too Flyers are now the Hurst Flyers.
12. Tom said Bob May, a Christian speaker for baseball/softball groups, is available to speak at any events. If anyone has an interest, contact Tom.
13. Jim Delmar had back surgery. He is doing fine and he is resting at home.
14. David Martin, past member of Executive Committee, is waiting to have surgery. He has agreed to still be our Umpire-In Chief.
15. The Team Roster and Accident Waiver and Release of Liability forms are on the website. Dennis recommended coaches use the Team Roster form initially and use the Individual Player Signup sheet as new players are added during the year. It is required that the rosters be given to Dennis before the first league game. Also, each coach is to have a copy of their current roster at each game.
16. Dennis and Tom are in the process of entering the schedule to the website.
17. The next Board meeting will be March 21st. Hopefully coaches will be able to deliver rosters and the $10/player participation fee.
18. Teams who need new home plate mats should contact Tom
19. It was agreed that it is up to the coaches to agree to use the Flip/Flop rule during a game.
20. Tom adjourned the meeting.