01 Apr Association Board Minutes – March 23, 2021
Subject: Association Board Meeting – March 23, 2021
1. Before the meeting started, coaches submitted their rosters, dues and payment for
Team Liability insurance. Also, softballs and homeplate mats were distributed. 2. Tom Athens, President, called the meeting to order
3. The Board said the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Dennis Bashore presented the minutes from the Feb 23rd meeting. There was a
motion to approve the minutes. It was seconded and the motion was approved.
5. Jim Delmar, Treasurer, reported that we had a current balance of $896.84. There
a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. It was seconded and approved.
6. League play begins on March 30th. All the 65+ Divisions report scores to Dennis
no later than Friday. His is email is dennisbashore@att.net and his cell phone is
7. Coaches in the Senior 55+ Division submit scores no later than Friday to Tom
Athens by text or email. Email: tga3@sbcglobal.net or text to 817-271-5500.
8. This year West Senior Men 65+ is split into Upper(White) & Lower(Blue) divisions in an attempt to make games more competitive. However, if a team wins at least 75% of their games in the lower division, that team will play in the Upper tournament at the end of the season and will be placed in the Upper division the following year. There was a motion to accept this change. It was seconded and approved.
9. Teams in the Senior Men 55+ Division play Tuesday doubleheaders. They will consist of two six inning games. They will experiment using the 1-1 pitch count for each second game. At the June 18th meeting, it will be decided whether to continue the 1-1 pitch count for the second half of the season and the post season tournament.
10. Next meeting will be Friday, June 18th, 11am at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Arlington.
11. There was a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded and approved.