30 Nov Association Board Minutes – November 15, 2018
Subject: Association Board Minutes from the November 15, 2018 meeting
Teams not represented: Div A: Farmers Branch Elite, Fort Worth Cats, Robson Ranch. Div B: Mesquite Knights. Div C: GP Gophers, Mesquite Generals, Mesquite Old Pros, Richardson Raiders.
1. Tom called the meeting to order.
2. Tom led the saying of the Lord’s Prayer.
3. Tom led the Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Dennis Bashore, Sec, presented the Oct 1st meeting minutes(on website). There was a motion to approve the minutes. It was seconded and the minutes was approved.
5. Jim Delmar, Treasurer, stated we had a current balance of $4,319.63. There was a motion to approve the report. It was seconded and the report was approved.
6. Tom announced that David Martin, Executive Committee Member-at-Large has resigned. Later in the meeting we will be discussing the need for someone to fill the position for 1 year.
7. Tom provided a golf tournament summary. We had 72 players. The lower price, the move to GP Prairie Lakes GC and the improved food seemed to be a big hit. The tournament generated $1411. for the league. Mike Welch was the tournament director. Roy Daleo, a former league officer, provided assistance and also donated money for prizes.
8. Tom said there was a suggestion the C West teams play all their games at one location. The Board showed no interest in doing this.
9. Jim Gibbons was nominated to be VP(2 years) of the league. The nomination was seconded and approved.
10. Jim Delmar was nominated to be Treasurer for two more years. The nomination was seconded and approved.
11. Rich Kaczmarski was nominated to complete the second year of the Member at Large position. The nomination was seconded and approved.
12. Neither the “flip-flop” or “mercy” rules are included in our current rules. At the next meeting, Tom will provide a copy of the “flip-flop” rule as it is stated by the USSSA. After the board has a chance to review and discuss, it will decide if we want to include it in our rules.
13. Article 3, Section 4 of our Constitution states: To be eligible to play on a Metroplex Senior Citizens Softball Association team, the player must have established residency in the Metroplex on a year-round basis as determined by the Board of Directors. Managers and coaches must also meet this residency requirement. After discussion a motion was made to delete this from the Constitution. The motion was seconded and approved.
14. There was discussion about changing the length/dates of the 2019 season. There was a motion to continue as in the past. It was seconded and approved.
15. Tom indicated that the A and B Div coaches may decide to combine their Divisions. That decision will have to made at the next meeting. The C East and West Divisions will continue as is. Up to now, the Div winners have not received any awards. Tom suggested the the Board consider funding awards. There was a motion to provide some type of recognition to the Division winners. The motion was seconded and approved.
16. The website includes pictures from the golf tournament and also the League Div winners.
17. Tom said he is looking into running News Ads sometime next year. At the end of this current season, many teams needed additional players. It was suggested that member who have a Neighborhood Website could use it to promote the league.
18. All coaches present think their teams will be back for the 2019 season. Tom indicated that Duncanville may pull their team back together.
19. The Div A first place team was the Arlington Cubs. The Div B first place team was the White Settlement Grays. The Southlake Crusaders finished first in the C West Div and the Sachse Rangers showed they are the best in the C East Div.
20. Tom adjourned the meeting.